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Kudi logo


Indonesian word for a peculiar weapon/farming tool.
Kudi bares logo

Kudi bares

Indonesian word for a peculiar farming tool.
Pedang lurus logo

Pedang lurus

Indonesian term meaning "straight sword". Often used to describe a specific silver-clad shortsword.
Roda Dedali arrowhead

Róda dedáli

Old Javanese for a type of arrow with a bird-shaped head.
Bedor or pana arrow


An old Javanese word for a type of arrow with a large spearhead shaped arrowhead.
Warayang Javanese arrow


Old Javanese word for a type of arrow with a serpentine arrowhead.
Trisula Javanese arrow


Old Javanese word for a type of arrow with a trident shaped head.
Paspati javanese arrow


Old Javanese word for a type of arrow with a crescent moon shaped arrowhead.
Javanese chakra arrow logo


Old Javanese for a type of arrow with a wheel attached.
Indonesian arrows logo


Old Javanese word for "arrow".
Bow of Java


Old Javanese name for bow.