Language: Mandarin Chinese
Origin: Historical literature


Jiāgāng (加鋼) literally means "to add steel" or "added steel". It refers to a construction of edged weapons where a separate piece of high-carbon steel is forged into layers of milder steel. When the blade is then quenched, the high-carbon plate forms crystals that makes it hard but brittle while the other lower carbon layers remain tougher and more resilient.

Jiagang construction on Chinese saberA jiāgāng construction on a Chinese saber. The darker steel at the edge is the inserted high-carbon edge plate.


The term is used among others in the Gongbu Junqi Zeli (工部軍器則例) of 1815. This is an imperially commissioned text on the manufacture of arms by the Board of Works for the Qing military.



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With markings attributing it to the Tongzhou incident and a Japanese surrender tag.


Built around an imported blade, with a human head shaped pommel.


Blade marked with VOC Amsterdam monogram, and the year 1769.


With Dutch VOC blade, marked with the Amsterdam monogram.


A robust and heavy example, crafted with care.


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