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Daoist shuangjian

Lóngquán Daoist shuāngjiàn

A very good set of Daoist straightswords in a single scabbard. There is a lot to see here, but I will start with the blades.
Chinese báitóng whip

Chinese báitóng whip

A Chinese traditional hidden striking weapon, this time executed in the "white copper" alloy.
19th century Qing fangshi peidao logo

Qing fangshi soldier's saber

A rare surviving example of the simple military version of this style.
Wancheng logo

Wàn Chéng (萬成)

Workshop name that appears on a brass halberd head.

Shuāngjiàn (雙劍)

Chinese for double straightsword.
Hook weapons logo

Chinese crescent moon weapons

Unusual set of paired Chinese maces of good workmanship.
Tibetan sword logo

Tibetan dpa'dam or backsword

A fine eastern Tibetan example with silver braided scabbard mounts.