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Javanese tiger hilt sword

Tiger hilt sword with VOC blade

With Dutch VOC blade, marked with the Amsterdam monogram.
Preanger gobang sword with dated VOC blade logo

Preanger sword with VOC blade

Blade marked with VOC Amsterdam monogram, and the year 1769.
West Javanese gobang

West-Javanese gobang

The sword of the Sundanese people of the Preanger highlands.
old Javanese dagger with stiletto blade logo

West-Javanese stiletto dagger

Early piece with an unusual European-style stiletto blade.
Dayak blowgun


Malay name for the Dayak blowgun.

Peranakan "pending" buckle

Belt buckle from West-Java, worn by Peranakan and wealthy Javanese women.
Peranakan silver belt buckle logo

Fine Peranakan belt buckle

This style was produced in Tangerang, just West of Batavia, now Jakarta.
Javanese trisula logo

Javanese gold overlaid spear blade

Once part of a trisula, made on Java in the 17th century.