Language: Mandarin Chinese
Source: Classical literature


Qiào kǒugū (鞘口箍) is the mouthpiece of a scabbard.1

Mouthpiece of Qing military saber

Scabbard mouthpiece of the round style on a late Qing military pattern saber.

Jian mouthpiece

Scabbard mouthpiece of a late Qing straightsword.


Also see

For a complete overview of saber terminology, see: A Chinese saber glossary.

1. Gongbu Junqi Zeli (工部軍器則例) or "Regulations and precedents on military equipment for the Board of Works" of 1815. A Qing imperial text dealing with the details of arms manufacture.

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A very rare Chinese saber guard dating from the height of the Qing dynasty.


Of classic shape, with a leaf-shaped blade on a socket, connected by a cast bronze base.


A standard pattern Qing military saber, but with the rare addition of a label in Manchu.


A robust and heavy example, crafted with care.


Unusual Chinese duanjian with fine gilt mounts and a blade of non-Chinese origin.


The Yagami school were excellent carvers of iron, known for their 1000 monkey designs.
