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Eight Banners Logo

Eight Banners

Administrative divisions under which all Manchu households were placed during the Qing dynasty.
Eight Banners Logo

Bāqí (八旗)

Administrative divisions under which all Manchu households were placed during the Qing dynasty.
Tuanlian jian logo

Tuánliàn jiàn (團練劍)

The Chinese militia jian. A simple, practical version of the Chinese straightsword.
Jianruiying logo

Silin dacungga kūwaran

An elite light unit under the Qing dynasty Eight Banners.
Jianruiying logo

Jiànruìyíng (健銳營)

An elite unit under the Qing dynasty Eight Banners, comparable to today's special forces.
Manchu niru arrow logo


Manchu word for a class of broadhead arrows, a military "company", or captain.
Tiger spear logo


An elite unit of Qing imperial guardsmen that accompanied the emperor into dangerous hunting grounds.
Jianruiying logo

Jianruiying (2); weapons and equipment

The Jianruiying was an elite division of the Qing dynasty military consisting of crack troops that were specially tra

Jianruiying logo

Jianruiying (1); introduction

The Jianruiying were a small elite unit of specially selected Manchu soldiers under the Qing dynasty. They were trained to overcome rough terrain, obstacles, and rivers in order to commence special attacks towards fortifications. In some ways, they are comparable to today's special forces.
Ming militia jian

Ming militia sword

An honest, unpretentious fighting weapon of the Ming-Qing period.
Spears of the Qing dynasty logo

Spears of the Qing dynasty

In this article I highlight a number of spears used by the Qing dynasty military.
Green Standard Army weapons logo

Edged Weapons of the Green Standard Army

The Green Standard Army was a large standing army of the Qing dynasty.

Chinese martial flail

Chinese war flail


Flails derived off farming tools were used since antiquity in many countries.

Chinese long sabers of the Qing dynasty logo

Chinese long sabers of the Qing dynasty

In the late Ming dynasty, Chinese coasts were raided by Japanese pirates -mockingly called 倭寇 wokou or "Dwar