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Ainu emushi sword with sash

Ainu sword with sash

With deeply carved scabbard, complete with fine guard embroidered sash.
Ainu tanto logo

Rare Ainu kuttom-ushbe

A luxury Ainu knife styled after the Japanese tantō.
Unusual Ainu knife

Unusual Ainu knife

Resembling a makiri but with the blade's edge on the opposite side.
Ainu makiri knife logo

Ainu knife

Of a typical style used in Hokkaido in the 19th century.
Slender Ainu makiri knife logo

Bark wrapped Ainu makiri

A slender makiri with a bark wrapped scabbard.
Finely carved makiri dagger

Fine Ainu makiri

An exceptionally well-carved Ainu knife.
Ainu sword hilt logo

Ainu sword hilt

Made of wood, with a silver ornamental fitting of remarkable workmanship.
Ainu sword logo

Ainu sword in Japanese polish

Exceedingly rare Ainu sword. Comes in an old Japanese collection box.